“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”  - Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen United States of America, Adopted by Congress 4 July 1776.

From these Thirteen United States of America came the Fifty United States of America.  Let us analyze this very important, yet underestimated sentence.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident…”
 These statements are facts that do not need evidence to back themselves up.  They are simply true, and can stand as truths without any necessity for support.

“…that all men are created equal…”  All men (and women) are created as equals.  Equality has always been the emphasized word, but I turn your attention to two very important, although often overlooked, words.  The word all is interpreted to mean every.  In this context, every man, woman, and child, regardless of position, are equal in God’s eyes, and should be considered equal under the law.  Unfortunately, this is often forgotten.

The next important word I would like to address is created.  Some argue from the point of life.  They say, “When does life start?”  But, they are asking the wrong question.  They should be asking, “When does creation start?”  This has numerous answers, but taken in the context of this portion of the Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen United States of America, creation for all men would begin at the conception of the man.  This is the genesis, the beginning, of all men.  Birth is not the beginning of man.  The development of a brain is not the beginning of man.  The development of limbs is not the beginning of man.  The genesis of the man comes when the two pairs of cells interact, and begin to materialize into one single organism.  This organism then takes shape and begins to change rapidly until tissues are formed based on the organism’s genetic makeup.  The tissue then begins to produce what is apparently a Human Being.  These cells have all of the rights of this Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America when they cease to be two, distinct entities.  At the moment these two cells cease to be individual entities and become one organism, that is the beginning of the genesis of all men.

This is further clarified by reviewing the rough draft of the Declaration of Independence.   Specifically this statement: “…from that equal creation they derive rights inherent & inalienable…” reinforces the truth that all men’s rights are inherently derived from equal creation.  Not equal life, not equal liberty, not equal pursuit of happiness.  Once again, All Men’s Rights are inherently derived from Equal Creation.

“…that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights…”   This means that all men are given, by their creator (not their parents or government, but by God, Himself), unalienable, unalterable, unchangeable rights.

“…that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”  Among these unalterable rights, we are given life, which stems from creation; liberty, which stems from having life; and the pursuit of happiness, which stems from having liberty.

If we take these words and equalize them, we are not only doing a grave injustice to the Founding Fathers, but we are likewise lessening the importance of the precedence of these events.  The evidence is seen that liberty, in alphabetical order, would precede life. But here, life is preceded by liberty.  All events, thereafter, stem from the pursuit of happiness, which stems from liberty, which stems from life itself, likewise, which stems from creation.  These are self-evident truths.  It is no surprise that the society we live in – that which has become corrupt with its own greed, drunken with its own pleasures, paralyzed by its own fear of offending those which are using their rights to destroy the rights of others, and murderous in the name of liberty - cannot see a self-evident truth because it has failed to guard truth and justice as it has been sworn to do.  And that such a society confused and in a state of decay, cannot simply understand the self-evidence of its own origins.

Thus, by allowing abortion, a right to the pursuit of happiness, we are denying the first 4 Rights of the Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen United States of America to all of the aborted Creations of these United States of America:

1. The Right of All Men to be Created Equally
2. Upon being Created, the Right to Life.
3. Upon being Given the Right to Life, the Right to Liberty.
4. Upon being Given the Right to Liberty, the Right to the Pursuit of Happiness.
I would like to take this one step further.  By understanding these rights, we must realize that above all the right to Creation is the imperative, and is the most important Right we have as All Men.  Next, in the order set forth by the Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen United States of America, is the Right to Life.  The Right to Life takes precedence over the Right to Liberty, which, likewise, takes precedence over the Right to the Pursuit of Happiness.  Which takes precedence over all other Rights not listed.  Therefore, Abortion, Capital Punishment, and Euthanasia, approved by the State, or the Federal Government of the United States, violates the Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen United States of America.  This violation takes place by:
1. Removing the right to Creation
2. Removing the Right to Life 
3. Removing the Right to Liberty. 
4. Removing the Right to the Pursuit of Happiness and all other Rights thereafter. 
Abortion removes the First Right, and all subsequent Rights.  Euthanasia and Capital Punishment remove the Second Right and all subsequent Rights.

I hold my government, whether local, state, or federal to be guilty of violating the Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen United States of America, which then abolishes the Constitution of the United States of America.   As is evident by the order, without the Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen United States of America, the Constitution of the United States of America becomes null and void, which renders all Amendments to such a Constitution invalid.

There are two courses of action that can now be taken.  Either we, as a country, restore our Declaration of Independence by abolishing laws that act against the Declaration of Independence, thereby restoring the country to its rightful stature; or, we return to obey the rule of the state of Great Britain.

I implore you to understand what this means; and what the consequences of such atrocities, in the sight of Men and God, will mean for future generations of these Great United States of America.

May God have Mercy on the United States of America, Her Government, and Her People.


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